Services Offered
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We work with people in conflict and dispute to explore and more fully understand their own and the other parties’ deeper needs, concerns and motivations that sit unseen, at the heart of the conflict. Through the mediation process, we empower parties to engage differently with each other and to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

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We support and enable individuals, teams and groups to have more resourceful conversations – ‘real’ conversations that move beyond an articulation of positions and give voice to what ‘really matters’ and why, and which create a basis for taking different and more effective action, while building and sustaining more constructive relationships.

Facilitation & Training Circles


We partner with clients to become more effective observers of what is happening in their thoughts, emotions and body and how this impacts on their success and happiness. It is through observation and self-awareness that we begin to see possibilities for making different choices in how we engage and take action to achieve what matters.

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We are extensively involved, both locally and internationally, in capacity building through skills and content-based training, in a broad range of areas including conflict resolution, (negotiation, conciliation and mediation) labour/employee relations, leadership and personal mastery.